If anyone has seen our Drag S15, they will notice our prototype manifold for the VE head. Considering this head will be used on the RWDs as well as FWD, we decided to make just the lower plenum for now. We will soon complete the top when we get our new dies set in. All parts are machined on the CNC so the manifold fits together nicely so welding is done with very little heat (prevents flange warping). This allows us to o-ring all mating surfaces. This manifold is adapted for the bosch style injectors and we will finish with the fuel rails later this week. We will be producing a high port style intake as soon as we are finished with the VE. Check out some pics.

Короче, кто видел нашу драговую с15, могут вспомнить наш протоотип впускного коллектора для ВЕ... Все сделано на станке с ЧПУ, поэтому все типа четко будет )))

Пока цена неизвестна

We can add 1 or 2 injectors per runner. - сколько хош инжекторов можно на раннер
Yes, this manifold is being designed for force induction. - чиста для турбы

Currently the runner length is 5-1/2". I'm concerned about clearance in a FWD car. If anyone has a measurement from the firewall to the VE head (mating surface of the intake), that would help alot. We are not big fans of the delrin spacers, so we'll stick to the o-rings. We are in the process of making a die for 4" plenums. That's what we'll make for the turbo cars w/ the Q45 TB. As far as the NA cars, we'll have to do more testing to figure out what works the best.


Т.е. для турбо длина раннера 5.5 дюймов, сама банка будет 4 дюйма, под дроссель от Q45 (по-моему, 8 см).

Вот фотка ихнего впуска от драговой с15